things To Do In Piedmont

Discover Piedmont

A list of wonderful things to do while staying at Cascina Luisa. Some places we have visited ourselves, some were recommended by friends and guests, and some are still on our wish list. Our listings are not in any particular order, so don’t forget to scroll to the bottom of each page. We do our best to give the most accurate information on the distance to each place from Cascina Luisa, contact information, prices, and languages spoken. Please always check opening hours and availability or ask us and we will make the reservation for you.
Let us know what you visited. We love to hear recommendations that we can add to our list!

Shopping: Supermarkets and Local Markets

We have several mini-markets and regular supermarkets nearby. Please note that some are not open during lunchtime.

Any day but Monday, you can visit a market near Cascina Luisa, where you can buy anything and everything: fruit, vegetables, clothes, kitchen items, plants, you name it.

Markets usually take place between 8:00 and 13:00.

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Calosso offers three wonderful restaurants within walking distance and two pizzerias a short drive away.
There are also many other restaurants in the area that we recommend. From a simple but tasty pizza, to a delicious multi course real Piedmont dinner, you will find it close to Cascina Luisa!

Calosso Wineries

Calosso has it’s own appellation: Calosso DOC, made from Gamba di Pernice grapes. There are 12 wineries in Calosso that make this delicious wine. Find out more about Calosso wineries here!

This list is not complete! We will keep adding Calosso wineries until we have them all listed!


Piedmont is not only renowned for its wines and white truffles, but the jewel in its crown is the nocciola del Piemonte, a delicate variety of hazelnut. Take a tour of a local farm and learn all about the hazelnut process.